WoMen Hours VS Actual Hours

We work in a small team of one to two-member teams. If the home is bigger than 3,000 square feet then we might send a third member to assist. 

If one team member comes to your home and works from 8am-5pm with an hour lunch, that Technician worked 8 women-hours and 8 actually hours.  

If a team of two members comes to your home and works from 8am-5pm with an hour lunch, then the total women hours worked is 16 hours with 8 actually hours.

If a team of three members comes to your home and works from 8am-5pm with an hour lunch, then the total women hours worked is 24 hours with 8 actually hours. 

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Creating an allergen-free zone in your home doesn’t require radical changes, just consistent attention to detail. Begin by targeting the areas where allergens are most prevalent. In the bedroom, swap out regular bedding for allergen-proof covers to shield against dust mites, a common trigger for allergies. By incorporating these small, manageable adjustments into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce allergens throughout your home, ensuring a safer, more comfortable environment for everyone.

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